Nathan Fillion

Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 2 Review

It’s TBC's frickin' Guardians of the Galaxy vol 2 review… only without the FRICKIN’. 

Does James Gunn’s sequel match up to his massive 2014 Marvel hit? Do our fellow TBC Fanboy’s come and get their love for this new installment? 

Surely, we are all still Groot but come on…. Five post credit scenes??!! I had a large fountain drink at the cineplex and can’t hold my urine anymore!!! 

#Immarypoppinsyall #davidhasselhoff4ever

Firefly/ Serenity A Retrospective Part 2: No Power In ‘Verse Can Stop Me

“Joss Whedon keeps creating these zeitgeist-grabbing, fun, brilliant shows that then Fox — It’s like he hands them over to an angry punk that throws them against the wall and ruins them.” -   Patton Oswalt

Without further ado, Here’s part 2 of TBC’s trip into the black that is Firefly/ Serenity.  For the fans, there is always hope of revival, that somehow Joss Whedon’s space western crew will fly again. And yet, although cancelled prematurely by the executive at FOX, Firefly/ Serenity remains now and foreverfanboy legend. 

#IfIeverkillyouyoullbeawakeyoullbefacingmeandyoullbearmed #Shestornupplentybutshellflytrue


Firefly/ Serenity A Retrospective Part 1: Aim To Misbehave

“Me and Abed have an agreement If one of us dies. We stage it to look like a suicide caused by the unjust cancellation of Firefly. We're gonna get that show back on the air…”                                  - Troy (Donald Glover), NBC’s Community.

Thus we enter the ‘verse of Firefly aka Serenity, Joss Whedon’s short lived yet highly praised space western (FOX 2002-2003), considered a cornerstone masterpiece by sci-fi genre lovers. The fans, aka Browncoats, unprecedentedly rallied and were rewarded with a full feature cinematic film post cancellation. Like Star Trek, Firefly/ Serenity sparked a renaissance of the fan driven trend in entertainment intellectual property. 

Soar like a leaf in the wind with our TBC Fanboy podcasters as they deep dive for some Alliance gold and not into some 狒狒的屁眼 (Baboon’s Asshole/ FAY-FAY duh PEE-yen). #curseyoursuddenbutinevitablebetrayal #youcanttaketheskyfromme