
Firefly/ Serenity A Retrospective Part 2: No Power In ‘Verse Can Stop Me

“Joss Whedon keeps creating these zeitgeist-grabbing, fun, brilliant shows that then Fox — It’s like he hands them over to an angry punk that throws them against the wall and ruins them.” -   Patton Oswalt

Without further ado, Here’s part 2 of TBC’s trip into the black that is Firefly/ Serenity.  For the fans, there is always hope of revival, that somehow Joss Whedon’s space western crew will fly again. And yet, although cancelled prematurely by the executive at FOX, Firefly/ Serenity remains now and foreverfanboy legend. 

#IfIeverkillyouyoullbeawakeyoullbefacingmeandyoullbearmed #Shestornupplentybutshellflytrue


Firefly/ Serenity A Retrospective Part 1: Aim To Misbehave

“Me and Abed have an agreement If one of us dies. We stage it to look like a suicide caused by the unjust cancellation of Firefly. We're gonna get that show back on the air…”                                  - Troy (Donald Glover), NBC’s Community.

Thus we enter the ‘verse of Firefly aka Serenity, Joss Whedon’s short lived yet highly praised space western (FOX 2002-2003), considered a cornerstone masterpiece by sci-fi genre lovers. The fans, aka Browncoats, unprecedentedly rallied and were rewarded with a full feature cinematic film post cancellation. Like Star Trek, Firefly/ Serenity sparked a renaissance of the fan driven trend in entertainment intellectual property. 

Soar like a leaf in the wind with our TBC Fanboy podcasters as they deep dive for some Alliance gold and not into some 狒狒的屁眼 (Baboon’s Asshole/ FAY-FAY duh PEE-yen). #curseyoursuddenbutinevitablebetrayal #youcanttaketheskyfromme

Carrie Fisher Tribute + Rogue One: A Star Wars Story Spoiler Review

Without further ado, The TBC fanboy players: Miguel, Ed and Jonathan deliver their complete spoiler review of Rogue One: A Story Wars Story. Also with deepest remorse, on this program's episode, a humbling tribute to life and career of Carrie Fisher, Actress, Writer, Princess, Rebel Badass. #iamonewiththeforcetheforceiswithme #somebodyhastosaveourskins #bringyourkidtopodcastday

Star Wars Special Part III: Let Qui-Gons Be Qui-Gons

IT'S A WRAP! Submitted for your approval, as our fearless podcasters come to conclusion with their final segment, a journey's end skimming down a trench toward a target area only two meters wide. Our TBC Fanboys approach to trilogy completion getting down to more Star Wars nostalgia, prequels, saga and anthology speculation... Many Bothans died to bring us this podcast episode. #iusetobullseyewompratsinmyt16backhome #stayontarget

Star Wars Special Part II: Attack of the Respirators

Last when we left our podcast episode, turmoil has since engulfed the land. Hoping to resolve the matter, our TBC cast of characters engage in discussion concerning Star Wars sequels, toy fair, comic books and deadbeat Jedi. While the Congress of the Republic endlessly filibuster in committee chambers over intergalactic campaign finance reform, our fanboys secretly chuckle behind the Emperor’s back over his birth name… Sheev. 


Looking back and beyond 50 years of one of the most influential movements in Sci-fi history spanning from TV, films, animation, comicbooks and literature. TBC (afp) takes a journey where many have gone before, living la vida prosper, celebrating all things Trekdom. #getalife