Hello Fall 2023! (Ahsoka, The Flash... and More!)

After a long hiatus, the boys are back in town (and were not referring The Boys on Prime) ready to discuss most of what we missed over the Summer and then some. Trees are changing and the wind is shifting but hang tight while TBC_afp is here to deliver stuff where you may not learn anything yet guaranteed fun if you stick around. #mancougar

Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker (Spoiler Review)

40 years in the making has led to this moment, the last cinematic installment of what shall be referred to as The Skywalker Saga, with Star Wars: TROS (aka episode IX). We say farewell (for now) to Star Wars characters old and young as envisioned by director J.J. Abrams but certainly it has not all been received with laurels since the 2015 blockbuster revival with The Force Awakens. Let us rings in the new year in spoilage discussion a plenty as the crew of TBC_afp weighs in on whether Skywalker rises or sinks.

#ThisIsTheWay #WhoisRey

Star Wars: TLJ Guest Panel Discussion

 Since the release of Star Wars: The Last Jedi, the internet has turned into a battlefield pitting fanboys against one another. 

 Some are praising Rian Johnson’s directorial installment chronicling the continuing adventures of Rey, Finn & Poe and the return of Jedi Master Luke Skywalker, while others are flat out condemning TJL for ruining their childhood.

 TBC a fanboy podcast, in an effort to follow up on their spoiler review show, have gathered a cast of special guests for their fanboy/fan girl input...

#youcomefromnothing #yourenothing #butnottome

Firefly/ Serenity A Retrospective Part 2: No Power In ‘Verse Can Stop Me

“Joss Whedon keeps creating these zeitgeist-grabbing, fun, brilliant shows that then Fox — It’s like he hands them over to an angry punk that throws them against the wall and ruins them.” -   Patton Oswalt

Without further ado, Here’s part 2 of TBC’s trip into the black that is Firefly/ Serenity.  For the fans, there is always hope of revival, that somehow Joss Whedon’s space western crew will fly again. And yet, although cancelled prematurely by the executive at FOX, Firefly/ Serenity remains now and foreverfanboy legend. 

#IfIeverkillyouyoullbeawakeyoullbefacingmeandyoullbearmed #Shestornupplentybutshellflytrue


In The News/ Catch All February 2017 (PART 1 of 2)

Welcome to 2017: The New World Order

After a winter hiatus, The TBC Fanboys have returned for an IN THE NEWS/ CATCH ALL - 2 parter (complete with jingle), ready to tackle the current and continuing nerd geekdom explosion of 2017. Hastags will be hashed, monkey wrenches will be monkey wrenched, claws will snikt one last time, Last Jedi will finally speak, Leaguers will unite! Can fanboys from all four corners of the globe contain themselves? #MAKEFANBOYPODCASTINGGREATAGAIN #HEREWEGOAGAIN #AGAIN

Carrie Fisher Tribute + Rogue One: A Star Wars Story Spoiler Review

Without further ado, The TBC fanboy players: Miguel, Ed and Jonathan deliver their complete spoiler review of Rogue One: A Story Wars Story. Also with deepest remorse, on this program's episode, a humbling tribute to life and career of Carrie Fisher, Actress, Writer, Princess, Rebel Badass. #iamonewiththeforcetheforceiswithme #somebodyhastosaveourskins #bringyourkidtopodcastday

Star Wars Special Part III: Let Qui-Gons Be Qui-Gons

IT'S A WRAP! Submitted for your approval, as our fearless podcasters come to conclusion with their final segment, a journey's end skimming down a trench toward a target area only two meters wide. Our TBC Fanboys approach to trilogy completion getting down to more Star Wars nostalgia, prequels, saga and anthology speculation... Many Bothans died to bring us this podcast episode. #iusetobullseyewompratsinmyt16backhome #stayontarget

Star Wars Special Part II: Attack of the Respirators

Last when we left our podcast episode, turmoil has since engulfed the land. Hoping to resolve the matter, our TBC cast of characters engage in discussion concerning Star Wars sequels, toy fair, comic books and deadbeat Jedi. While the Congress of the Republic endlessly filibuster in committee chambers over intergalactic campaign finance reform, our fanboys secretly chuckle behind the Emperor’s back over his birth name… Sheev. 

Star Wars Special Part I: The Banter Menace.

Somewhere in Park Slope, Brooklyn this may all be happening right now...  From the team that brought you For The Iron Throne and These Things Write Themselves, a conversation unlike any other on your planet... A podcast discussion about a story about a boy, a girl and a universe... TBC gets into some serious drivel covering George Lucas' most influential "sprawling space saga about rebellion and romance... a spectacle light years ahead of it's time". Did we mention that it happens to be an "EPIC of heroes and villains and aliens from a thousand worlds... a billion years in the making?" Or did we just rip this entire description off of the original 1976 trailer? Why? Because we could hardly contain ourselves to fit it within one podcast episode. Part 1 of 3 #letthewookiewin