Oscar Issac

In The News: Neal Adams/ George Perez RIP, Trek Stuff & Moon Knight Season Finale

Listen in as the crew of TBC drop a bunch of fanboy buzz and news recorded on...duh duh Dah... Friday the 13th, 2022.

#nealadams #georgeperez #obiwankenobi #strangenewsworld #picard #moonknight

In The News: Neal Adams/ George Perez RIP, Trek Stuff & Moon Knight Season Finale
To Be Continued a fanboy podcast

Moon Knight (Spoiler Discussion) & In The News.

Moon Knight (Spoiler Discussion) & In The News

When actor Oscar Issac isn't portraying characters stretching throughout the spectrum from Star Wars' Poe Dameron to X-Men Mutant baddie Apocalypse to Dune's Duke Leto Atreides or even voicing animated Spider-Man 2099, He also plays several protagonight due to the titular hero's Dissociative identity disorder in Marvel Studios' Moon Knight on Disney Plus. In Moon Knight we fully get Issac's acting range igniting a spark to one of Marvel's lesser properties.

Also on this podcast episode we catch up on some industry news.

Moon Knight (Spoiler Discussion) & In The News
To Be Continued a fanboy podcast

Dune: From Lynch to Villeneuve (Spoiler Discussion)

Bringing Frank Herbert's Dune from page to the big screen has been long considered, to both fans and filmmakers, a Sci-Fi Holy Grail of sorts. With one original failed cinematic attempt (Jodoworsky), two feature films (set decades apart with one sequel in the works) and a Sci Fi Channel miniseries (2000) in mind, every stab at this hard sci-fi saga has been furiously debated on its pretense or grandeur. Yet, Dune's impact on Hollywood is undeniable inspiring those of such as George Lucas to Ridley Scott.

NOT IN THE MOOD you say? Well, order some pumpkin spice Joe, get podcast comfortable and enter the desert world of Arrakis AKA Dune.

#TheRighteous !!???

Dune: From Lynch to Villeneuve (Spoiler Discussion)
To Be Continued a fanboy podcast