
It's Clobberin' Time! (Fantastic Four: First Steps Teaser & David Lynch RIP)

We at TBC_afp break down the Fantastic Four teaser and what it means for the MCU, then pay tribute to the legendary David Lynch and his impact on film and TV.

Everything Everywhere All At Once (Spoiler Discussion)

Everything Everywhere All At Once (Spoiler Discussion)

"...And the winner is" was the phrase most associated with a little known small budget movie called Everything Everywhere All at Once at the beginning of 2023. With the exception of big screen vet, Jamie Lee Curtis, it had an all Asian cast lead by Michelle Yeoh (sometimes referred to as the female Jackie Chan) and Ke Huy Quan who was an 80's child actor washed out of Hollywood as an adulthood. Yet, EEAAO swept pretty much every major film award of the 2022-2023 season all the way to the 95th Academy Awards including Best Picture, Best Director, Best Actress (Yeoh), Best Supporting Actor (Quan), Best Supporting Actress (Curtis), Best Original Screenplay, and Best Film Editing. But how does this film fit in for us fanboys? Listen in on this podcast episode to see how EEAAO defies all genre molds as it also happens to be as some consider now the greatest multiverse movie ever made.

Heir to the Empire: Star Wars Celebration 2023

Somewhere across the pond (that is if you are living on the United States East Coast) held at London, UK, Star Wars Celebration (April 7-10, 2023). It is here where the newest Star Wars projects are announced and promoted. TBC_afp discuss and observe the slate of things coming our way.

The Book of Boba Fett (Season 1, Spoiler Discussion)

A long time ago... from a great 70's movie franchise called Star Wars, it's creator, George Lucas penned a mysteriously helmeted bounty hunter named Boba Fett as an animated short on the painfully received televised Star Wars Christmas Special. Eventually, this character had made it to the big screen debuting a live action Fett collecting on his bounty by successfully capturing the hero Han Solo thereby bringing a grim conclusion to the original trilogy's second installment, Empire Strikes Back. Following with the sequel, Return of the Jedi, Fett, not really living up to his legend, is immediately vanquished (or so it seemed) by Luke Skywalker during Han's rescue fray. And for decades it had been assumed that Fett had perished, end of story. Nevertheless, there had been non canonical tales of Fett's survival and expansion of his people, the Mandalorians during the years of Star Wars wilderness in comic books. Until Disney acquired Lucasfilm and then years followed leading up to the second season of The Mandalorian (2020) on Disney Plus, where we finally see the return of Boba Fett, portrayed by the franchise's prequel vet, Temuera Morrison who cemented his cinematic status as Boba's dad, Jando and it's clones nearly two decades prior. It was then announced that fans would get an additional series called The Book of Boba Fett leaving fans scratching heads on whether this was something new or a continuation to the widely successful Mandalorian series. On this podcast episode TBC_afp delves and evaluates on how TBOBF faired. So strap in and Slave... err Firespray away.

#nodisintergrations #iambobafett

Eternals (Spoiler Discussion)

Partially touted as one of the best Marvel films ever made (by junkets and ad marketing), Eternals, which originally was shown in theatres has now been widely released on Disney Plus. And with that the jury appears to be out with mixed reviews as a newest edition to the MCU created by the legendary comic book artist Jack Kirby in the late 70s. Eternals, for the MCU, would usher entry into the cosmic realm even far beyond what James Gunn’s Guardians of the Galaxy would bring. The film also includes a star studded cast, including Selma Hayek, Angelina Jolie, Richard Madden and newly crowned lead, Gemma Chan (who was previously cast as Minn-Erva in Captain Marvel). The big question here is how was it received at TBC_afp? Tune in to find out.

#HarryStyles #StarFox #nuffsaid

Dune: From Lynch to Villeneuve (Spoiler Discussion)

Bringing Frank Herbert's Dune from page to the big screen has been long considered, to both fans and filmmakers, a Sci-Fi Holy Grail of sorts. With one original failed cinematic attempt (Jodoworsky), two feature films (set decades apart with one sequel in the works) and a Sci Fi Channel miniseries (2000) in mind, every stab at this hard sci-fi saga has been furiously debated on its pretense or grandeur. Yet, Dune's impact on Hollywood is undeniable inspiring those of such as George Lucas to Ridley Scott.

NOT IN THE MOOD you say? Well, order some pumpkin spice Joe, get podcast comfortable and enter the desert world of Arrakis AKA Dune.

#TheRighteous !!???

007: Never Die Tomorrow Twice Again Part 1 (Classic Movies Era Discussion)

No entertainment intellectual property has stood longer, for better or for worse (depending on who you talk to), than Ian Flemming's British gentleman super spy hypenate sexy womanizing (maybe even misogynist) international man of action, Agent 007 James Bond. Spanning 25 films from when Dr. No was released in 1968, 007 has spawned parodies, uncanonical spin offs all the while influecing the Hollywood action genre... Or perhaps chasing after trends. Fans and critics have argued and romanticized in love and hate, for some time now, over it's questionable yet alluring cinematic quality.

While no different, TBC_afp steps into Her Majesty's Sercret Service to pay homage, oftenly lampooning and maybe even lambast in this two parter podcast. So sit back and have a #martini #shakennotstirred on us.

Chadwick Boseman (November 29, 1976 - August 28, 2020)

As the recent death of Chadwick Boseman (August 28, 2020) has garnered messages of loss and mourning from celebrities and fan admirers, we here at TBC_afp felt it necessary to drop our originally planned content to address the life, work and impact from what is now, a legend in the making. #ChadwickBoseman #RIP #WAKANDAFOREVER

Coming Back...To The Future

After a hiatus due to the Global Pandemic, We of TBC_afp have returned to the Pancake Studios, albeit within social distancing measures, in order to deliver fanboy content in order to address the future or the err past. We return to a simpler time of pre-CGI, early fan driven movie franchises and dark thematic plot lines for the entire family! #GREATSCOTT Let’s blast back to 1985, BACK TO THE FUTURE!

Mando Season Finale + Post Skywalker Discussion bonus RIP Neal Peart

We ring in 2020 in attempt to wrap up on the undying Skywalker saga but what ensued to no one's surprise followed madness, infamy beyond the average Star Wars fanboy’s taste… On this episode, we get into that big Mando Season 1 finale reveal, we give opportunity for return guests to give their 2 cents on TROS. Also, for fans of Rush (as in the band) we own tribute to Neil Peart.

#thepodcastwartoendallstarwars #lesbianhaircut

Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker (Spoiler Review)

40 years in the making has led to this moment, the last cinematic installment of what shall be referred to as The Skywalker Saga, with Star Wars: TROS (aka episode IX). We say farewell (for now) to Star Wars characters old and young as envisioned by director J.J. Abrams but certainly it has not all been received with laurels since the 2015 blockbuster revival with The Force Awakens. Let us rings in the new year in spoilage discussion a plenty as the crew of TBC_afp weighs in on whether Skywalker rises or sinks.

#ThisIsTheWay #WhoisRey

Star Wars TROS Pregame Discussion + The Mandalorian

Indeed, 2019 proves to be a significant year for Lucasfilm but will Star Wars episode IX be embraced by fanboys or will another internet troll riddened civil war breakout as when Episode VIII, The Last Jedi divided fans. Meanwhile, we are joined by the intrepid crew of TBC_afp as they hyperdrive right into Lucasfilm/Disney+’s runaway hit, The Mandalorian which currently appears to be a safe spot for everyone to unite in enjoyment. #THISISWAY 

San Diego Comic-Con 2019 - Part Two

While plenty was announced at San Diego Comic-Con 2019 this Summer, MARVEL STUDIOS PHASE 4 was the major takeaway of what was to come. Some other notable mentions such as Star Trek’s new series: Picard, along with a new official trailer surely blew roof off over a sea of cosplayers and nerd attendees alike . Tune in for TBC_apf’s full coverage. 

#hallh #magnumpi?

The Thing vs Starman: John Carpenter Retrospective

John Carpenter over decades has been commonly referred to as a master of the cinematic horror action genre. Yet, In fact, filmmakers such as James Cameron, Quentin Tarantino, Guillermo del Toro to name a few represent a generation who have been influenced by Carpenter’s eclectic style and in some case armed only with minimal equipment and vision for storytelling. 

TBC_afp deep dives into two of Carpenter’s most iconic Sci-Fi pieces and in some respects, underrated works: The Thing (1982) and Starman (1984). 

Sit back with some oatmeal and pie and enjoy!

#WilfordBrimley #GETTHEWORDOUT


As it’s currently reached the billion dollar behemoth status, Avengers: Endgame, sequel to Avengers: Infinity War (both directed by brothers, Anthony and Joe Russo) is the stamped culmination marking 11 years of cinematic triump and world building by Marvel Studios. With great pleasure and delight, TBC_afp reviews this massive film chronicling World’s Mightiest Heroes, thus closing a monumental chapter yet making room for some new stories… until next time we hear the battlecry: #AVENGERSASSEMBLE

Agree2Disagree: Alita Battle Angel/ Star Trek Discovery Review.

Actual Transcript from TBC_afp… 

Miguel A. Velez (co-host): “I have to say that I was very much impressed with what they did for Alita. The fights are what any fanboy could possibly ask for. I hope to expect more down the pike from Rosa Salazar….

Edward Ng (co-host): Miguel, YOU IGNORANT SLUT!

#agree2disgree #coolbeans 

Doctor Who Special

Originally recorded on December of 2018, TBC_afp and invited Guests got together for discussion about a special fanboy topic spanning close to 60 decades. As the subject has been referred to as “The Oncoming Storm”,  “The Bringer of Darkness” or “Last of the Time Lords”,  this Hero is usually (and humbly) referred to as The Doctor. So, if you’ve been living under a rock either of recent or for the past 56 years still asking “Doctor Who?”, whether you’re a diehard Whovian or just a fair weather fan, then prepare some tea (with perhaps some fish fingers and gravy, biscuits even) as we traverse through Time and Space celebrating The Doctor of BBC’s Doctor Who.

#timeywimey #biggerontheinside #exterminate

Return of The King of Star Wars (Recorded June 2018)

Friend of the show and Star Wars ringer, Jeremy Martin, Force Ghosts his way back into Pancake Studios to give his 2 cents in response to the current Star Wars fanboy climate as well as his review of Solo: A Star Wars Story. 

Also in this episode, Anthony Bourdain: In Memoriam.

Episode was recorded in June of 2018. 

#LobotAStarWarsStory #razorkenobi

Solo: A Star Wars Story (Spoiler Review)

They’ve always given Star Wars characters some pretty peculiar names like Boba, Sheev, Dooku and Han? But in Solo A Star Wars Story, do we get to find out Who Shot First? What’s on the Falcon?  or if I Dunno’s on Corellia? I mean we may never fully understand but at least Lando’s no a system. (Drum roll)

So in moving on... Angle the deflector and hit play with the crew of TBC_afp as they strap in to make the jump past the Kessel Run in under 12 parsec (Which would be a miracle if this episode is kept under 2 hours). 

#ihateyou #iknow

Altered Carbon (Spoiler Discussion)

This Cyberpunk sci-fi action noir exploded onto the lap of TBC_afp, surprisingly, out of nowhere but does it deliver? Our gang in usual fashion dive right into Altered Carbon, Netflix’s big budget gamble with influences ranging from Blade Runner, The Matrix to Battlestar Galactica.

After all there’s nothing like a cyborg dame with a badge who walks through your door like a holographic tigress walks into a offworld orphanage… Confused yet? Then upload your stack and sleeve into the world of Altered Carbon.


#nudityisthefuture #andthefutureisnow