Sophie Turner

Dark Phoenix/ Godzilla 2 Spoiler Review

The Summer of 2019 is speeding right past us and so are the releases of several genre films. Some that we have been anticipating and some not so much. Nevertheless, we here at TBC_afp are dedicated to delivering fair and balanced critique… well sorta. In subway series fashioned double header, we tackle both Dark Phoenix and Godzilla: King of Monsters but are they up to snuff?

#itsacruelsummer #whereisgodzookie?

Game of Thrones Finale (Spoiler Discussion)

After 8 years and seasons, HBO’s groundbreaking fantasy drama epic, Game of Thrones comes to an end. As the show’s plot advanced even further ahead of George R. R. Martin’s books, audiences held their breaths in anticipation to the fates of the great houses and characters of Westeros as if it were a modern day soap opera. And for one concluding night on May 19, 2019, those of us who watched the finale became united fanboys for an evening… or did we? 

#Dracarys #Democracy #Aryatheexplorer