Kit Harrington

Eternals (Spoiler Discussion)

Partially touted as one of the best Marvel films ever made (by junkets and ad marketing), Eternals, which originally was shown in theatres has now been widely released on Disney Plus. And with that the jury appears to be out with mixed reviews as a newest edition to the MCU created by the legendary comic book artist Jack Kirby in the late 70s. Eternals, for the MCU, would usher entry into the cosmic realm even far beyond what James Gunn’s Guardians of the Galaxy would bring. The film also includes a star studded cast, including Selma Hayek, Angelina Jolie, Richard Madden and newly crowned lead, Gemma Chan (who was previously cast as Minn-Erva in Captain Marvel). The big question here is how was it received at TBC_afp? Tune in to find out.

#HarryStyles #StarFox #nuffsaid

To Be Continued a fanboy podcast

Game of Thrones Finale (Spoiler Discussion)

After 8 years and seasons, HBO’s groundbreaking fantasy drama epic, Game of Thrones comes to an end. As the show’s plot advanced even further ahead of George R. R. Martin’s books, audiences held their breaths in anticipation to the fates of the great houses and characters of Westeros as if it were a modern day soap opera. And for one concluding night on May 19, 2019, those of us who watched the finale became united fanboys for an evening… or did we? 

#Dracarys #Democracy #Aryatheexplorer

Game of Thrones Finale (Spoiler Discussion)
To Be Continued a fanboy podcast