game of thrones

GOT: House of the Dragon/ She-Hulk/ Andor (Mid-season Spoiler Discussion)

Now that we have your attention, Ryan Reynolds' just made a fortune without even lifting a finger. That said, while we can assure you that Mr. Deadpool himself is neither affliated nor a principal shareholder of TBC_afp, the idea of an investment toward our humble operation does have a nice ring to it. What do you say? You love Aviator Gin, So too does our all 10 of them. Mr. Reynolds, sample an episode (free of charge) and just sleep on. #GoWrexham

GOT: House of the Dragon/ She-Hulk/ Andor (Mid-season Spoiler Discussion)
To Be Continued a fanboy podcast

Eternals (Spoiler Discussion)

Partially touted as one of the best Marvel films ever made (by junkets and ad marketing), Eternals, which originally was shown in theatres has now been widely released on Disney Plus. And with that the jury appears to be out with mixed reviews as a newest edition to the MCU created by the legendary comic book artist Jack Kirby in the late 70s. Eternals, for the MCU, would usher entry into the cosmic realm even far beyond what James Gunn’s Guardians of the Galaxy would bring. The film also includes a star studded cast, including Selma Hayek, Angelina Jolie, Richard Madden and newly crowned lead, Gemma Chan (who was previously cast as Minn-Erva in Captain Marvel). The big question here is how was it received at TBC_afp? Tune in to find out.

#HarryStyles #StarFox #nuffsaid

To Be Continued a fanboy podcast

Dark Phoenix/ Godzilla 2 Spoiler Review

The Summer of 2019 is speeding right past us and so are the releases of several genre films. Some that we have been anticipating and some not so much. Nevertheless, we here at TBC_afp are dedicated to delivering fair and balanced critique… well sorta. In subway series fashioned double header, we tackle both Dark Phoenix and Godzilla: King of Monsters but are they up to snuff?

#itsacruelsummer #whereisgodzookie?

Dark Phoenix/ Godzilla 2 Spoiler Review
To Be Continued a fanboy podcast

Game of Thrones Finale (Spoiler Discussion)

After 8 years and seasons, HBO’s groundbreaking fantasy drama epic, Game of Thrones comes to an end. As the show’s plot advanced even further ahead of George R. R. Martin’s books, audiences held their breaths in anticipation to the fates of the great houses and characters of Westeros as if it were a modern day soap opera. And for one concluding night on May 19, 2019, those of us who watched the finale became united fanboys for an evening… or did we? 

#Dracarys #Democracy #Aryatheexplorer

Game of Thrones Finale (Spoiler Discussion)
To Be Continued a fanboy podcast

Return of The King of Star Wars (Recorded June 2018)

Friend of the show and Star Wars ringer, Jeremy Martin, Force Ghosts his way back into Pancake Studios to give his 2 cents in response to the current Star Wars fanboy climate as well as his review of Solo: A Star Wars Story. 

Also in this episode, Anthony Bourdain: In Memoriam.

Episode was recorded in June of 2018. 

#LobotAStarWarsStory #razorkenobi

Return of The King of Star Wars
To Be Continued a fanboy podcast

Solo: A Star Wars Story (Spoiler Review)

They’ve always given Star Wars characters some pretty peculiar names like Boba, Sheev, Dooku and Han? But in Solo A Star Wars Story, do we get to find out Who Shot First? What’s on the Falcon?  or if I Dunno’s on Corellia? I mean we may never fully understand but at least Lando’s no a system. (Drum roll)

So in moving on... Angle the deflector and hit play with the crew of TBC_afp as they strap in to make the jump past the Kessel Run in under 12 parsec (Which would be a miracle if this episode is kept under 2 hours). 

#ihateyou #iknow

Solo: A Star Wars Story (Spoiler Review)
To Be Continued a fanboy podcast

The Defenders Spoiler Review + In The News (August 30, 2017)

The Defenders Spoiler Review + In The News (August 30, 2017)

  • Texas Flood Relief
  • Tribute To SuperHeroHype's Vartha
  • Ant-Man and The Wasp Costume Reveal
  • The Punisher Teaser
  • Inhumans Clip Reaction
  • Game Of Thrones Season 7 Finale
  • The Defenders Spoiler Review
  • Ducktales Re-Boot Premiere

#HurricaneHarvey #boatsex #iamtheimmortalironfist

The Defenders Spoiler Review + In The News (August 30, 2017)
To Be Continued a fanboy podcast


Once again the internets of recent has treated us with an explosion of geeknerdom announcements galore and our Fanboys aim on delivering the stories that matter.  

“Cuz you know, you had someone as despicable as Loki who didn’t even sink to using reality warping weapons.” -TBC Sentinel

#thankseasterbunny #fakenews #fairandbalanced

To Be Continued a fanboy podcast

In The News/ Catch All February 2017 (PART 1 of 2)

Welcome to 2017: The New World Order

After a winter hiatus, The TBC Fanboys have returned for an IN THE NEWS/ CATCH ALL - 2 parter (complete with jingle), ready to tackle the current and continuing nerd geekdom explosion of 2017. Hastags will be hashed, monkey wrenches will be monkey wrenched, claws will snikt one last time, Last Jedi will finally speak, Leaguers will unite! Can fanboys from all four corners of the globe contain themselves? #MAKEFANBOYPODCASTINGGREATAGAIN #HEREWEGOAGAIN #AGAIN

In The News/ Catch All February 2017 (PART 1 of 2)
To Be Continued a fanboy podcast