Dragon Ball/ Dragon Ball Z (R.I.P. Akira Toriyama)

Join us as we explore the iconic journey of Dragon Ball and Dragon Ball Z, from its humble beginnings to its global phenomenon status. Delve into the vibrant world created by Akira Toriyama and discover the impact of his work on generations of fans worldwide. We'll also discuss the legacy of Toriyama's contributions to anime and manga, reflecting on his enduring influence even after his passing.


Dragon Ball/ Dragon Ball Z (R.I.P. Akira Toriyama)
To Be Continued a fanboy podcast

Agree2Disagree: Alita Battle Angel/ Star Trek Discovery Review.

Actual Transcript from TBC_afp… 

Miguel A. Velez (co-host): “I have to say that I was very much impressed with what they did for Alita. The fights are what any fanboy could possibly ask for. I hope to expect more down the pike from Rosa Salazar….

Edward Ng (co-host): Miguel, YOU IGNORANT SLUT!

#agree2disgree #coolbeans 

Agree2Disagree: Alita Battle Angel/ Star Trek Discovery Review.
To Be Continued a fanboy podcast