Star Trek Discovery

Star Trek: Picard (Season 1, Part 1)

Star Trek: Picard, the newest series launched on CBS ALL ACCESS, chronicles the continuing adventures of if not, arguably the most important/popular Trek characters of all time, Jean-Luc Picard (Note disclaimer: Kirk fans will have say about this). Upon it’s series announcement, fanboys all around have been stoked with excitement overall as it’s last most recent series Star Trek: Discovery received better than moderate reviews despite lackluster feels for the JJ Abram’s films. The intrepid crew of TBC_afp boldly reviews the first half of the season in anticipation hoping for a series winner where past stories have lost popular traction or felt disappointedly flat. 


Star Trek: Picard (Season 1, Part 1)
To Be Continued a fanboy podcast

Star Wars TROS Pregame Discussion + The Mandalorian

Indeed, 2019 proves to be a significant year for Lucasfilm but will Star Wars episode IX be embraced by fanboys or will another internet troll riddened civil war breakout as when Episode VIII, The Last Jedi divided fans. Meanwhile, we are joined by the intrepid crew of TBC_afp as they hyperdrive right into Lucasfilm/Disney+’s runaway hit, The Mandalorian which currently appears to be a safe spot for everyone to unite in enjoyment. #THISISWAY 

Star Wars TROS Pregame Discussion + The Mandalorian
To Be Continued a fanboy podcast

Agree2Disagree: Alita Battle Angel/ Star Trek Discovery Review.

Actual Transcript from TBC_afp… 

Miguel A. Velez (co-host): “I have to say that I was very much impressed with what they did for Alita. The fights are what any fanboy could possibly ask for. I hope to expect more down the pike from Rosa Salazar….

Edward Ng (co-host): Miguel, YOU IGNORANT SLUT!

#agree2disgree #coolbeans 

Agree2Disagree: Alita Battle Angel/ Star Trek Discovery Review.
To Be Continued a fanboy podcast

One Hot American Autumn/ In The News (September 27, 2017)

The Defenders Spoiler Review + In The News (August 30, 2017)

  • Puerto Rico Disaster 
  • Harry Dean Stanton RIP
  • Len Wein RIP 
  • Tomb Raider trailer
  • The Orville 
  • Star Trek Discovery
  • lil’ bit of Rick & Morty 

#PuertoRico #birdistheword #picklerick

One Hot American Autumn/ In The News (September 27, 2017)
To Be Continued a fanboy podcast