Luke Skywalker

Obi-Wan Kenobi part 1 (Spoiler Discussion)

Hello There... Again!

Star Wars Fanboys of all walks, shapes and sizes have dreamed of Ewan McGregor's triumphant return as one of the frachises' flagship characters, Obi-Wan Kenobi. Despite, the realization of potentially ignoring canon narrative (due to the expansion of the universe), fans just didn't seem care and if they did, they were relishing at jumping into the mosh pit that is the internet nerd fight dance. This podcast episode of TBC_afp is just another pebble tossed into a seemingly large bucket of water. Listen and Enjoy! #likehowyouowenmemes

The Book of Boba Fett (Season 1, Spoiler Discussion)

A long time ago... from a great 70's movie franchise called Star Wars, it's creator, George Lucas penned a mysteriously helmeted bounty hunter named Boba Fett as an animated short on the painfully received televised Star Wars Christmas Special. Eventually, this character had made it to the big screen debuting a live action Fett collecting on his bounty by successfully capturing the hero Han Solo thereby bringing a grim conclusion to the original trilogy's second installment, Empire Strikes Back. Following with the sequel, Return of the Jedi, Fett, not really living up to his legend, is immediately vanquished (or so it seemed) by Luke Skywalker during Han's rescue fray. And for decades it had been assumed that Fett had perished, end of story. Nevertheless, there had been non canonical tales of Fett's survival and expansion of his people, the Mandalorians during the years of Star Wars wilderness in comic books. Until Disney acquired Lucasfilm and then years followed leading up to the second season of The Mandalorian (2020) on Disney Plus, where we finally see the return of Boba Fett, portrayed by the franchise's prequel vet, Temuera Morrison who cemented his cinematic status as Boba's dad, Jando and it's clones nearly two decades prior. It was then announced that fans would get an additional series called The Book of Boba Fett leaving fans scratching heads on whether this was something new or a continuation to the widely successful Mandalorian series. On this podcast episode TBC_afp delves and evaluates on how TBOBF faired. So strap in and Slave... err Firespray away.

#nodisintergrations #iambobafett

Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker (Spoiler Review)

40 years in the making has led to this moment, the last cinematic installment of what shall be referred to as The Skywalker Saga, with Star Wars: TROS (aka episode IX). We say farewell (for now) to Star Wars characters old and young as envisioned by director J.J. Abrams but certainly it has not all been received with laurels since the 2015 blockbuster revival with The Force Awakens. Let us rings in the new year in spoilage discussion a plenty as the crew of TBC_afp weighs in on whether Skywalker rises or sinks.

#ThisIsTheWay #WhoisRey

Star Wars: TLJ Guest Panel Discussion

 Since the release of Star Wars: The Last Jedi, the internet has turned into a battlefield pitting fanboys against one another. 

 Some are praising Rian Johnson’s directorial installment chronicling the continuing adventures of Rey, Finn & Poe and the return of Jedi Master Luke Skywalker, while others are flat out condemning TJL for ruining their childhood.

 TBC a fanboy podcast, in an effort to follow up on their spoiler review show, have gathered a cast of special guests for their fanboy/fan girl input...

#youcomefromnothing #yourenothing #butnottome

Star Wars: The Last Jedi (Spoiler) Review

Think you’ve heard all that’s needed to be said about the sequel to Star Wars: The Force Awakens appropriately titled The Last Jedi? In this new installment, we finally got to hear Luke Skywalker speak after 3 decades of absence from the fanboy consciousness. We also pick up where we left off with our newly embraced trinity: Rey, Finn, Poe as well as with the abhorred First Order bunch led by Kylo Ren. Well, this is not going to go the way you think as the intrepid crew of TBC (a fanboy podcast) attempt to angle the deflector, punch the hyperdrive and be the spark that’ll light the fire perhaps only to exchange some finger lickin’ porg rotisserie recipes in the process. 

