Pedro Pascal

It's Clobberin' Time! (Fantastic Four: First Steps Teaser & David Lynch RIP)

We at TBC_afp break down the Fantastic Four teaser and what it means for the MCU, then pay tribute to the legendary David Lynch and his impact on film and TV.

Heir to the Empire: Star Wars Celebration 2023

Somewhere across the pond (that is if you are living on the United States East Coast) held at London, UK, Star Wars Celebration (April 7-10, 2023). It is here where the newest Star Wars projects are announced and promoted. TBC_afp discuss and observe the slate of things coming our way.

Keeping It Pedro and PatStew: (Picard Season 3/ Mando S03/ The Last of Us Season 1 Finale)

It's Pedro Pascal's:world and we just podcast in it. He is just like the Oscar darling of 2023: Everything and Everywhere All At Once. They mind as well cast Pedro as the President of the United Federation of Planets. Maybe then out podcaster Miguel will feel more enthusiatic about Star Trek Picard's newest season. Let's hear how the crew of TBC_afp breaks it down.


The Last of Us (Spoiler Discussion) X In The News

From Super Mario Bros. (1993) to Assassin's Creed and to recently Uncharted (starring Tom Holland), videogames turned into movies and/or TV shows have notoriously flopped one after another. It is an established rule to avoid watching from this genre altogether yet one begs to ask why the entertainment industry continues to churn when the response revies are usually negative.

As of January of 2023, HBO Max has released the live action post-apocalyptic series, The Last of Us, based on the massively popular Sony Playstation game of the same name starring Pedro Pascal (The Mandalorian) and Bella Ramsey (A Game of Thrones). Currently is it enjoying high marks on Rotten Tomatoes (99% Average/ 96% Audience) but is it up to TBC_afp snuff?

Also in this podcast episode: Ant-Man Quatumania trailer/ The Mandalorian S3 trailer and lots more.

The Book of Boba Fett (Season 1, Spoiler Discussion)

A long time ago... from a great 70's movie franchise called Star Wars, it's creator, George Lucas penned a mysteriously helmeted bounty hunter named Boba Fett as an animated short on the painfully received televised Star Wars Christmas Special. Eventually, this character had made it to the big screen debuting a live action Fett collecting on his bounty by successfully capturing the hero Han Solo thereby bringing a grim conclusion to the original trilogy's second installment, Empire Strikes Back. Following with the sequel, Return of the Jedi, Fett, not really living up to his legend, is immediately vanquished (or so it seemed) by Luke Skywalker during Han's rescue fray. And for decades it had been assumed that Fett had perished, end of story. Nevertheless, there had been non canonical tales of Fett's survival and expansion of his people, the Mandalorians during the years of Star Wars wilderness in comic books. Until Disney acquired Lucasfilm and then years followed leading up to the second season of The Mandalorian (2020) on Disney Plus, where we finally see the return of Boba Fett, portrayed by the franchise's prequel vet, Temuera Morrison who cemented his cinematic status as Boba's dad, Jando and it's clones nearly two decades prior. It was then announced that fans would get an additional series called The Book of Boba Fett leaving fans scratching heads on whether this was something new or a continuation to the widely successful Mandalorian series. On this podcast episode TBC_afp delves and evaluates on how TBOBF faired. So strap in and Slave... err Firespray away.

#nodisintergrations #iambobafett

Hello 2021!

After a hiatus of proportions critical to the American identity, the intrepid crew TBC_afp crawled out of the fallout rubble to bring back nerd normalcy. Inaugurating a new year, though tiptoeing on eggshells due to the still raging global pandemic, we hope in continuing celebration of all things sci-fi, comicbook and geekdom culture. Let’s do this 2021!

#nomoremutants #lifeisgoodbutitcouldbebetter

Make Mandalorian Great Again! The Mandalorian Season 2.

As We at TBC stream closer to the season finale of The Mandalorian Season 2 ( Two episodes remain since the taping of this podcast) the global pandemic caused by the Coronavirus continues to claim its victims. Nevertheless, through social distancing we come together to brave in discussion regarding of the most lauded TV series currently out there.


Mando Season Finale + Post Skywalker Discussion bonus RIP Neal Peart

We ring in 2020 in attempt to wrap up on the undying Skywalker saga but what ensued to no one's surprise followed madness, infamy beyond the average Star Wars fanboy’s taste… On this episode, we get into that big Mando Season 1 finale reveal, we give opportunity for return guests to give their 2 cents on TROS. Also, for fans of Rush (as in the band) we own tribute to Neil Peart.

#thepodcastwartoendallstarwars #lesbianhaircut

Star Wars TROS Pregame Discussion + The Mandalorian

Indeed, 2019 proves to be a significant year for Lucasfilm but will Star Wars episode IX be embraced by fanboys or will another internet troll riddened civil war breakout as when Episode VIII, The Last Jedi divided fans. Meanwhile, we are joined by the intrepid crew of TBC_afp as they hyperdrive right into Lucasfilm/Disney+’s runaway hit, The Mandalorian which currently appears to be a safe spot for everyone to unite in enjoyment. #THISISWAY