- In Memoriam: Flo Steinberg, June Foray
- Post #SDCC: Justice League, Thor: Ragnarok, Avenger Infinity War Leak, Doctor Who, Captain Marvel…
- #Mustachegate
#goddamnyoualltohell #iloveyoudrzaius
#goddamnyoualltohell #iloveyoudrzaius
Billy Elliot The Musical veteran and babyfaced Brit actor, Tom Holland portrays Peter Parker/ Spider-Man (the third actor in line for the big screen) in an unprecedented partnership between Sony Pictures and Marvel Studios, SPIDER-MAN: HOMECOMING. In a star studded cast, HOMECOMING is prelude to Marvel's Cinematic Universe's "Phase 4", ushering in an era expanding more characters and talent into the genre.
And yet, with senses tingling, our TBC Fanboys swing into the chill of the night and deep dive into Marvel's universally recognizable flagship superhero. As it is one of 2017's most highly anticipated movies of the Summer, lesson may stick (pun intended) that "with great summer blockbuster, comes a great tub of popcorn" with obligatory restroom break in the middle of the movie.
#nobodyknowswhoyouare #youhitthejackpottiger #queens
Created in the 40’s, Wonder Woman has evolved over the ages brandishing strength, beauty and feminism to many but not without controversy contained in the course of her history. DC’s archetype and surely GOAT female superhero has graced fans through the ages in comics, toys, TV, animation and finally a solo feature film directed by Patty Jenkins (Monster) with Gal Gadot (BvS, Fast & Furious) as Diana, Princess of Themyscira.
The crew of To Be Continued a fanboy podcast offer their Wonder Woman film review in this first installment of ROAD TO JUSTICE, inching its way closer to Warner Bros.' ambitious Justice League.
"All the world's waiting for you and the power you possess… Change their minds, and change the world."
#superfriends #girlpower #insertguitarthemehere
#bulletpoints #check #fakenews #navajo #makepodcastinggreatagain
It’s TBC's frickin' Guardians of the Galaxy vol 2 review… only without the FRICKIN’.
Does James Gunn’s sequel match up to his massive 2014 Marvel hit? Do our fellow TBC Fanboy’s come and get their love for this new installment?
Surely, we are all still Groot but come on…. Five post credit scenes??!! I had a large fountain drink at the cineplex and can’t hold my urine anymore!!!
#Immarypoppinsyall #davidhasselhoff4ever
“Joss Whedon keeps creating these zeitgeist-grabbing, fun, brilliant shows that then Fox — It’s like he hands them over to an angry punk that throws them against the wall and ruins them.” - Patton Oswalt
Without further ado, Here’s part 2 of TBC’s trip into the black that is Firefly/ Serenity. For the fans, there is always hope of revival, that somehow Joss Whedon’s space western crew will fly again. And yet, although cancelled prematurely by the executive at FOX, Firefly/ Serenity remains now and foreverfanboy legend.
#IfIeverkillyouyoullbeawakeyoullbefacingmeandyoullbearmed #Shestornupplentybutshellflytrue
“Me and Abed have an agreement If one of us dies. We stage it to look like a suicide caused by the unjust cancellation of Firefly. We're gonna get that show back on the air…” - Troy (Donald Glover), NBC’s Community.
Thus we enter the ‘verse of Firefly aka Serenity, Joss Whedon’s short lived yet highly praised space western (FOX 2002-2003), considered a cornerstone masterpiece by sci-fi genre lovers. The fans, aka Browncoats, unprecedentedly rallied and were rewarded with a full feature cinematic film post cancellation. Like Star Trek, Firefly/ Serenity sparked a renaissance of the fan driven trend in entertainment intellectual property.
Soar like a leaf in the wind with our TBC Fanboy podcasters as they deep dive for some Alliance gold and not into some 狒狒的屁眼 (Baboon’s Asshole/ FAY-FAY duh PEE-yen). #curseyoursuddenbutinevitablebetrayal #youcanttaketheskyfromme
Once again the internets of recent has treated us with an explosion of geeknerdom announcements galore and our Fanboys aim on delivering the stories that matter.
“Cuz you know, you had someone as despicable as Loki who didn’t even sink to using reality warping weapons.” -TBC Sentinel
#thankseasterbunny #fakenews #fairandbalanced
Everyone was Kun’ Lun talking!
Those corporate raiders were fast as lighting….
But did Marvel latest superhero Netflix installment deliver? TBC_afp DDares to tackle the question which delves into the issue at HAND, striking while the IRON is hot but nuff' said with the puns. Our fearless Fanboys sit down for some IRON FIST spoilage and nerdgasm critiquing.
Also on this episode a tribute to comic book great, Swamp Thing artist Bernie Wrightson.
#tochiornottochi #corporatetakeover #defendersrhymeswithsuspenders #martialartsisbig
He slices! He dices! He regenerates! But WAIT! THERE’S MORE!
From his inaugural appearance battling the HULK in October of 1974 to his current anti-heroic/ heroic tale chronicled in Logan, To Be Continued a fanboy podcast proudly presents an engagement in-depth into one of Marvel’s flagship icons, the Canadian mutant Weapon X, James “Logan” Howlett aka The Wolverine. Join the Fanboys for some 80’s animated nostalgia, X films a plenty and sweet swoon-filled Hugh Jackman man crushing.
Podcast tune in and celebrate TBC’s tributary proclamation: “We are the best at what we do and whatever that is, is pretty congenial because you’re not the only one with gifts, Bub!” #snikt #wantapieceoffruit
Here is Part 2 to our February/ March 2017 In The News/ Catch All episode
As our casts of TBC Fanboy characters "Spring Forward" preparing toward an explosive 2017, they bid farewell to a winter of discontent. Enter a year of "Wonders", Ravagers, Leaguers... It's going to be downright bananas! Don't feel like learning anything? No Problem! Care to have some fun? Buckle-up! #Weregoingtobuildapodcastandmexicosgoingtopayforit #Whynot
Welcome to 2017: The New World Order
After a winter hiatus, The TBC Fanboys have returned for an IN THE NEWS/ CATCH ALL - 2 parter (complete with jingle), ready to tackle the current and continuing nerd geekdom explosion of 2017. Hastags will be hashed, monkey wrenches will be monkey wrenched, claws will snikt one last time, Last Jedi will finally speak, Leaguers will unite! Can fanboys from all four corners of the globe contain themselves? #MAKEFANBOYPODCASTINGGREATAGAIN #HEREWEGOAGAIN #AGAIN
Without further ado, The TBC fanboy players: Miguel, Ed and Jonathan deliver their complete spoiler review of Rogue One: A Story Wars Story. Also with deepest remorse, on this program's episode, a humbling tribute to life and career of Carrie Fisher, Actress, Writer, Princess, Rebel Badass. #iamonewiththeforcetheforceiswithme #somebodyhastosaveourskins #bringyourkidtopodcastday
IT'S A WRAP! Submitted for your approval, as our fearless podcasters come to conclusion with their final segment, a journey's end skimming down a trench toward a target area only two meters wide. Our TBC Fanboys approach to trilogy completion getting down to more Star Wars nostalgia, prequels, saga and anthology speculation... Many Bothans died to bring us this podcast episode. #iusetobullseyewompratsinmyt16backhome #stayontarget
Last when we left our podcast episode, turmoil has since engulfed the land. Hoping to resolve the matter, our TBC cast of characters engage in discussion concerning Star Wars sequels, toy fair, comic books and deadbeat Jedi. While the Congress of the Republic endlessly filibuster in committee chambers over intergalactic campaign finance reform, our fanboys secretly chuckle behind the Emperor’s back over his birth name… Sheev.
Somewhere in Park Slope, Brooklyn this may all be happening right now... From the team that brought you For The Iron Throne and These Things Write Themselves, a conversation unlike any other on your planet... A podcast discussion about a story about a boy, a girl and a universe... TBC gets into some serious drivel covering George Lucas' most influential "sprawling space saga about rebellion and romance... a spectacle light years ahead of it's time". Did we mention that it happens to be an "EPIC of heroes and villains and aliens from a thousand worlds... a billion years in the making?" Or did we just rip this entire description off of the original 1976 trailer? Why? Because we could hardly contain ourselves to fit it within one podcast episode. Part 1 of 3 #letthewookiewin
Do the boys of TBC make a bargain with Dormammu in the post election? Who knows? But they do cover Marvel’s latest in bringing the Sorcerer Supreme to the big screen. Also, there’s some catching up on current fanboy news of things to come. Plus, they give it a go at another round of These Things Write Themselves. #yourenotgoinglearnanything
Hosts: Miguel Velez & Edward Ng
Producer: Jonathan Vergara @Pancake Studios, Park Slope, Brooklyn.
TBC journeys into the heart of the wonderful world of WESTEROS. In this episode we explore Game of Thrones, George R.R. Martin's fantastical universe of Fire and Ice. We also cover GoT's fictional history straight from the pages of the novels and geek out recalling all past six season chronicling some of TV's most popular cast of characters.
Is there no word for "fanboy" in Dothraki? Do we drink and know things or just know nothing at all? Do we tell death, NOT TODAY again?
Hosts: Miguel Velez & Edward Ng
Producer: Jonathan Vergara @Pancake Studios, Park Slope, Brooklyn.
Guests: AJ & Ana Maria Stanomir-Grumeau
Looking back and beyond 50 years of one of the most influential movements in Sci-fi history spanning from TV, films, animation, comicbooks and literature. TBC (afp) takes a journey where many have gone before, living la vida prosper, celebrating all things Trekdom. #getalife