Incredibles 2 (Spoiler Review)


Catching the latest news!

Pow! Pow! Pow! 

Ok… So it doesn’t flow as well as Mr. Incredibles theme nor is it original. After all it’s just a parody and therefore we can’t be called out for plagiarism, right? 

Look, it’s been 14 years since Pixar released The Incredibles, the original breakout animated film which some fanboys have referred to as “one of the best superhero movies ever made.” Sit back and geek out with TBC a fanboy podcast on how the film measured. 


#jackjackvsracoon #stillnocapes

Solo: A Star Wars Story (Spoiler Review)

They’ve always given Star Wars characters some pretty peculiar names like Boba, Sheev, Dooku and Han? But in Solo A Star Wars Story, do we get to find out Who Shot First? What’s on the Falcon?  or if I Dunno’s on Corellia? I mean we may never fully understand but at least Lando’s no a system. (Drum roll)

So in moving on... Angle the deflector and hit play with the crew of TBC_afp as they strap in to make the jump past the Kessel Run in under 12 parsec (Which would be a miracle if this episode is kept under 2 hours). 

#ihateyou #iknow

Deadpool 2 (Spoiler Review) + Margot Kidder RIP

The crew of TBC_afp got down to the nitty gritty topical discussion concerning Bionic Six, Margot Kidder, Telly Savales and a little known latest sequel to the massive juggernaut (full pun intended) hit movie, Deadpool. But how does the Ryan Reynold’s highly anticipated follow up fair? Do we get to see X-Forcer's like Shatterstar jump into action with the pitter patter of lil’ baby Rob Liefeld feet? And what about that "you know what" regarding Brad Pitt? So, chillax, put on some dubstep but not too loud or else you won’t be able to hear this episode. 


#yentl #frozen #coincidence ??? #happymothersday

Avengers: Infinity War (Spoiler Review)

Having gone forward in time viewing alternate futures to see all possible outcomes of the coming conflict and out of 14,000,605 possibilities, all we got was this one podcast episode. Leap right in as TBC_afp tackles Marvel Studio’s recent (by now already a massive box office) triumph signifying their tenth year in films. 


#yibambe #sweetrabbit #KickingNamesTakingAss #youreembarrassingmeinfrontofwizards

Altered Carbon (Spoiler Discussion)

This Cyberpunk sci-fi action noir exploded onto the lap of TBC_afp, surprisingly, out of nowhere but does it deliver? Our gang in usual fashion dive right into Altered Carbon, Netflix’s big budget gamble with influences ranging from Blade Runner, The Matrix to Battlestar Galactica.

After all there’s nothing like a cyborg dame with a badge who walks through your door like a holographic tigress walks into a offworld orphanage… Confused yet? Then upload your stack and sleeve into the world of Altered Carbon.


#nudityisthefuture #andthefutureisnow

In The News & Special Guest: David Thomas April 3, 2018

The boys of TBC_afp sit down with David Thomas, journalist, writer, musician and founder of Danger Comics Corp in discussion about on all things comics, comics book film genre & Rock & Roll.

If Thor leaves Mjolnir on Thano’s helicopter, will it fly? Talk amongst yourselves.


#dangercomicscorp #coffeetalk

Jessica Jones (Season 2 Spoiler Review) & In The News

…Meanwhile back at Alias Investigations, we catch up with Jessica Jones, Trish & Sidekick, The Weeknd doppelgänger, Malcolm who is putting up the finishing drywall work in order to cover those nasty bullet holes/ fist fight damages/ love stains. All in the days work of a private investigator.

So what are the TBC boys up to? Altered Carbon binge watching on Netflix? Hell’s Kitchen? Did someone say Call The Midwife? No judgements please!


#Iwanyyourcraycray #gratuitouslesbiansex #thanoshelicopter

The Tick (Discussion & Show Review) March 16, 2018.

When Ben Edlund independently penned and illustrated his superhero parody comic book The Tick in 1986, who would have imagined that it would be spawn into a 90’s animated series, one  short-lived TV show in 2001 and now a live action streaming service series. 

Alas! The boys of TBC_afp engage in Tick talk for they have date with Destiny and she is one jealous mistress who will toss you out of bed if she find you suspiciously texting at night. Take heed evil-doers and Tune in! 


Black Panther Spoiler Review (with Special Guest, "Bassy" Bob Brockmann)

By the time the release of this podcast episode, Marvel Studio’s Black Panther would have already scored huge both critically and at the box office (passing $500 million just after 9 days of release). Our TBC_afp triumvirate along with special guest, Grammy award winning producer and sound engineer, “Bassy” Bob Brockmann take a deep dive journey into the cultural impact and significance of Black Panther. 


Fanboys get ready to fill up that politics jar because #WAKANDA4EVER !!!!

In The News: February 13, 2018

*Solo A Star Wars Story Super Bowl Teaser/ Trailer.

*Avengers Infinity War.  

*Venom Teaser. 

*Bree Larson Captain Marvel costume. 

*Actor Ron Cephas in SHAZAM!

*Ant-Man And The Wasp Trailer. 

*Incredibles 2. 


*Deadpool 2 Trailer. 

*Jessica Jones  Season 2 Trailer. 

Batman: Road To Justice Part 4

Riddle me this? What do Morgan Freeman from Lean on Me, Mr. Bates from Downton Abbey and almost eight decades of fictional history have in common? Well, the answer is “Batman”, of course, but that doesn’t mean you ought to be shoving Spaghetti into any (“Bat”) Computer in the name of detective work. 

Join TBC a fanboy podcast & friends for an in-depth round table Bat-discussion exploring the heroics, romanticism & complex character profile of DC Comics’ flagship property. 

What will be revealed? That Batman really does sit home to wash his tights? The truth behind Schumacher’s “nipplegate”? Or that Calendar Man will get his own full featured film? Sit tight, get comfortable with some Bat-milk and cookies (yes, the same ones from Scooby Doo) and tune in for a great Bat-Time. 


Star Wars: TLJ Guest Panel Discussion

 Since the release of Star Wars: The Last Jedi, the internet has turned into a battlefield pitting fanboys against one another. 

 Some are praising Rian Johnson’s directorial installment chronicling the continuing adventures of Rey, Finn & Poe and the return of Jedi Master Luke Skywalker, while others are flat out condemning TJL for ruining their childhood.

 TBC a fanboy podcast, in an effort to follow up on their spoiler review show, have gathered a cast of special guests for their fanboy/fan girl input...

#youcomefromnothing #yourenothing #butnottome

Star Wars: The Last Jedi (Spoiler) Review

Think you’ve heard all that’s needed to be said about the sequel to Star Wars: The Force Awakens appropriately titled The Last Jedi? In this new installment, we finally got to hear Luke Skywalker speak after 3 decades of absence from the fanboy consciousness. We also pick up where we left off with our newly embraced trinity: Rey, Finn, Poe as well as with the abhorred First Order bunch led by Kylo Ren. Well, this is not going to go the way you think as the intrepid crew of TBC (a fanboy podcast) attempt to angle the deflector, punch the hyperdrive and be the spark that’ll light the fire perhaps only to exchange some finger lickin’ porg rotisserie recipes in the process. 



Aquaman/ Cyborg: Road to Justice Part 3

What’s 6’4”, bearded, has a gnarly eyebrow scar and is married to Lisa Bonet? Only that which capsizes all of our manhoods combined here at TBC a fanboy podcast but prior to casting Jason Momoa in Aquaman, Warner Bros.’ upcoming DC epic, this fish talking King of the Seven Seas has endured a long and complex history. TBC a fanboy podcast deep dives (pun intended) again along “The Road to Justice”, profiling each member of The Justice League as portrayed cinematically on the big screen for the very first time. Additionally in discussion, Victor Stone AKA Cyborg, though traditionally a (Teen) Titan by affiliation, also make his cinematic debut as one of “The Six”. Join our TBC fanboys as they come together covering what may potentially be very exciting properties for the DC Cinematic Universe. 

#unitetheseven #cyberdyne 

Justice League (Spoiler) Review

Gathered together from remote corners of the world are some of the most passionate individuals of all time: TBC (a fanboy podcast)! Dedicated to a single objective- releasing edgy but not offensive apolitical media infotainment content hopefully, toward scoring some lucrative corporation sponsorship, enough to at least break even. But what do The TBCers Three think of the highly anticipated Justice League movie? Will they cry outrage at Henry Cavill’s #MUSTACHEGATE ? Does Zack Synder take a page from Sir Michael Caine and bury another Batman? (Steve Coogan’s The Trip. Look it up….) Are there actual Apache Chief, Black Vulcan, El Dorado & Samurai Easter Eggs that we missed in the movie?

#dressedlikeabat #idigit #wecanbeheroes

Thor: Ragnarok 2 (Spoiler) Review / Stranger Things 2

The Sun is getting low and our colorful cast of fanboy friends (from work) cover Marvel Studios’ latest epic installment, magnificently billed, Thor: Ragnarok. 

Also, we return back to some Eggo eating at the Upside-Down with a review of Netflix’s, highly anticipated sequel, Stranger Things 2. 

Finally, a show worthy where we get to learn the secrets of Steve Harrington’s hair.

#dampnotwet #whybeatenwhenyoucanbeaneleven #revengersforever

The Flash: Road to Justice Part 2

Faster than a Kyptonian…. Less powerful than a Gorilla…. Able to scale up building walls without effort at super speeds. It’s The Flash aka The Scarlett Speedster aka Barry Allen or Wally West or Jay Garrick and the Boys of TBC get into one of the most popular DC icons of all times. 

Also in continuation, we pick up where our fellow Super Friends: Apache Chief, Black Vulcan, El Dorado & Samurai, left off along the Road to Justice (League Movie Premiere).

#isthatperkins #Ijustpushsomepeopleandrunaway #youcantsavetheworldalone #wecanbeheroes

Freak Fineman (Interview)

Record Producer/ Musician/ DJ, Freak Fineman sits down with the Fanboys to talk about his personal journey and passion with Horror films, music production and comic books. 

Just in time for Halloween for as in the immortal words of the Great Vincent Price:“Your body starts to shiver/ For no mere mortal can resist/ The evil of the thriller.”

#itsthegreatpumpkincharliebrown #trickortreat 

Post NYCC 2017 Trailersplosion! (October 12, 2017)

Our fanboy cast of characters return once again, gathering and rehashing pieces of their mind blown thoughts for your listening pleasure addressing two of the most largely anticipated films of 2017: Star Wars The Last Jedi & Justice League. Also in discussion: Marvel Studio’s Thor: Ragnarok and Celebrating Tom Petty.


#ineedsomeonetoshowmemyplaceinallthis #americangirl #wecanbeheroes #rideaintoveryet 

One Hot American Autumn/ In The News (September 27, 2017)

The Defenders Spoiler Review + In The News (August 30, 2017)

  • Puerto Rico Disaster 
  • Harry Dean Stanton RIP
  • Len Wein RIP 
  • Tomb Raider trailer
  • The Orville 
  • Star Trek Discovery
  • lil’ bit of Rick & Morty 

#PuertoRico #birdistheword #picklerick