San Diego Comic Con 2022

Given the events and announcements that took place July 21- 24 2022 at San Diego Comic Con, We of TBC_afp felt obligated to cover some of these biggest stories. From Kevin Feige's brief look into the immediate MCU future or multiverse futures to the DC Cinematic Universes' not so surprising presence, we are going to get into some drooling or not so mouth watering discussions.


Obi-Wan Kenobi Finale/ Stranger Things S4/ Ms. Marvel

Summer is here and we've got content discussions chock full of fanboy joy from Kenobi's epic finale (for now), to those meddling kids from Hawkins trying to save the world from Stranger Things (again) (again... like four times) and to sweet lil Jersey City Pakistani teenager newcomer on Disney Plus' Ms. Marvel. Definitely a lot to unpack as the TBC team attempts to stay cool. So if you're at the beach or pool, apply some SPF 40 before you turn on those earbuds.


Obi-Wan Kenobi part 1 (Spoiler Discussion)

Hello There... Again!

Star Wars Fanboys of all walks, shapes and sizes have dreamed of Ewan McGregor's triumphant return as one of the frachises' flagship characters, Obi-Wan Kenobi. Despite, the realization of potentially ignoring canon narrative (due to the expansion of the universe), fans just didn't seem care and if they did, they were relishing at jumping into the mosh pit that is the internet nerd fight dance. This podcast episode of TBC_afp is just another pebble tossed into a seemingly large bucket of water. Listen and Enjoy! #likehowyouowenmemes

Doctor Strange and The Multiverse of Madness (Spoiler Review)

By The Book of Vishanti! The Marvel Cinematic Universe has delivered one of it's most ambitious projects to date with Doctor Strange and the Multiverse of Madness directed by Marvel movie pioneer and cult horror filmmaker, Sam Raimi. The film, neverthess, is a direct follow up from both Spider-Man No Way Home and Disney Plus' WandaVision, thrusting Elizabeth Olsen's Scarlett Witch as Doctor Stephen Strange's antogonist. Strange of course is as always masterfully portrayed by Benedict Cumberbatch, returning to fulfill his franchise duties but this time carrying the weight of the MCU's phase on his shoulders. Certainly a tall order for the Veteran Brit actor extraordinaire. But how do the fanboys of TBC_afc really feel about this wacky comicbook adventure brought to screen?

#illuminati #mustnotspoil

In The News: Neal Adams/ George Perez RIP, Trek Stuff & Moon Knight Season Finale

Listen in as the crew of TBC drop a bunch of fanboy buzz and news recorded on...duh duh Dah... Friday the 13th, 2022.

#nealadams #georgeperez #obiwankenobi #strangenewsworld #picard #moonknight

Moon Knight (Spoiler Discussion) & In The News.

Moon Knight (Spoiler Discussion) & In The News

When actor Oscar Issac isn't portraying characters stretching throughout the spectrum from Star Wars' Poe Dameron to X-Men Mutant baddie Apocalypse to Dune's Duke Leto Atreides or even voicing animated Spider-Man 2099, He also plays several protagonight due to the titular hero's Dissociative identity disorder in Marvel Studios' Moon Knight on Disney Plus. In Moon Knight we fully get Issac's acting range igniting a spark to one of Marvel's lesser properties.

Also on this podcast episode we catch up on some industry news.

The Batman (Spoiler Review)

In the immortal parodied words of Alfred Pennyworth, well not really, more like an exchange between British comedians, Steve Coogan and Rob Brydon from the 2014 film The Trip to Italy, we get a tickling Michael Caine impersonation-off exchange that went like this: "I'm not going to bury 'nother Batman!" "Another Batman? How many Batman(s) has he been burying?" Which in reflection hilariously sums up most sentiments from when WB announced in 2019 yet another Batman would be cast for a standalone movie this time directed by Matt Reeves to be set apart from Zack Synder's Batman portrayed by Ben Affleck. This time Robert Pattinson, of Twilight Saga fame, would be cast as the Dark Knight and already fans either felt optimistically cautious or flat out unsure how this project would pan out. As of current having enjoyed being at the top of the box office for only a month, The Batman sits at $676 million and counting, still not quite what Spider-Man No Way Home has accomplished but time will tell. And what do we think? Here's a Riddle: I can be tuned for conversation but not like a piano nor radio. What am I?


#thebatman #robertpattinson #zoekravitz #colinfarrell #jeffreywright #batman #dccinematicuniverse

The Book of Boba Fett (Season 1, Spoiler Discussion)

A long time ago... from a great 70's movie franchise called Star Wars, it's creator, George Lucas penned a mysteriously helmeted bounty hunter named Boba Fett as an animated short on the painfully received televised Star Wars Christmas Special. Eventually, this character had made it to the big screen debuting a live action Fett collecting on his bounty by successfully capturing the hero Han Solo thereby bringing a grim conclusion to the original trilogy's second installment, Empire Strikes Back. Following with the sequel, Return of the Jedi, Fett, not really living up to his legend, is immediately vanquished (or so it seemed) by Luke Skywalker during Han's rescue fray. And for decades it had been assumed that Fett had perished, end of story. Nevertheless, there had been non canonical tales of Fett's survival and expansion of his people, the Mandalorians during the years of Star Wars wilderness in comic books. Until Disney acquired Lucasfilm and then years followed leading up to the second season of The Mandalorian (2020) on Disney Plus, where we finally see the return of Boba Fett, portrayed by the franchise's prequel vet, Temuera Morrison who cemented his cinematic status as Boba's dad, Jando and it's clones nearly two decades prior. It was then announced that fans would get an additional series called The Book of Boba Fett leaving fans scratching heads on whether this was something new or a continuation to the widely successful Mandalorian series. On this podcast episode TBC_afp delves and evaluates on how TBOBF faired. So strap in and Slave... err Firespray away.

#nodisintergrations #iambobafett

Disney+ / Marvel's Hawkeye (Season 1 Spoiler Discussions) & The Matrix Resurrections

In one of the most notable iconic Marvel cinematic scenes from The Avengers: Age of Ultron, Clint Barton (portrayed by Jeremy Renner) aka Hawkeye tells Wanda Maximoff "...the city is flying, we're fighting an army of robots... and I have a bow and arrow. None of this makes sense." This pretty much sums up Marvel’s ace archer, Hawkeye who represents the analog superhero in a sea of indestructible gravity defying meta-beings and demigods, nevertheless he remains a fan favorite.

And after years of tail-ending the Avenger cast roster on the big screen, Renner finally gets his time to shine. Only it is on the small screen with his own series on Disney Plus. Additionally, Renner shares his marquee along with popstar/ film ingenue, Hailee Steinfeld who also makes her debuts as... Hawkeye.

None of this makes sense indeed or will it?

Trick arrows or not, TBC_afp is bowed up and ready to draw.


Eternals (Spoiler Discussion)

Partially touted as one of the best Marvel films ever made (by junkets and ad marketing), Eternals, which originally was shown in theatres has now been widely released on Disney Plus. And with that the jury appears to be out with mixed reviews as a newest edition to the MCU created by the legendary comic book artist Jack Kirby in the late 70s. Eternals, for the MCU, would usher entry into the cosmic realm even far beyond what James Gunn’s Guardians of the Galaxy would bring. The film also includes a star studded cast, including Selma Hayek, Angelina Jolie, Richard Madden and newly crowned lead, Gemma Chan (who was previously cast as Minn-Erva in Captain Marvel). The big question here is how was it received at TBC_afp? Tune in to find out.

#HarryStyles #StarFox #nuffsaid

Spider-Man: No Way Home (Spoiler Discussion)

If the start of the pandemic was only a couple of years ago (and without trivializing the impact of its events) then Tom Holland's MCU entry as Spider-Man, in 2016's Captain America: Civil War, seemed just like another lifetime ago. And now, by the time this podcast is out, Spider-Man: No Way Home has triumpiantly captured "post-pandemic" box office gold with still having more steam since it's December 2021 release. On this episode of TBC_afp we get into the sauce of the excitement surrounding Spider-Man: NWH and it's well/ not so well kept secrets.


Dune: From Lynch to Villeneuve (Spoiler Discussion)

Bringing Frank Herbert's Dune from page to the big screen has been long considered, to both fans and filmmakers, a Sci-Fi Holy Grail of sorts. With one original failed cinematic attempt (Jodoworsky), two feature films (set decades apart with one sequel in the works) and a Sci Fi Channel miniseries (2000) in mind, every stab at this hard sci-fi saga has been furiously debated on its pretense or grandeur. Yet, Dune's impact on Hollywood is undeniable inspiring those of such as George Lucas to Ridley Scott.

NOT IN THE MOOD you say? Well, order some pumpkin spice Joe, get podcast comfortable and enter the desert world of Arrakis AKA Dune.

#TheRighteous !!???

007: Never Die Tomorrow Twice Again Part 2 (No Time To Die Spoiler Discussion)

After a five film saga, Daniel Craig concludes his 007 run with No Time To Die. TBC_afp picks up from its last episode keeping the martini shaken and not stirred.

007: Never Die Tomorrow Twice Again Part 1 (Classic Movies Era Discussion)

No entertainment intellectual property has stood longer, for better or for worse (depending on who you talk to), than Ian Flemming's British gentleman super spy hypenate sexy womanizing (maybe even misogynist) international man of action, Agent 007 James Bond. Spanning 25 films from when Dr. No was released in 1968, 007 has spawned parodies, uncanonical spin offs all the while influecing the Hollywood action genre... Or perhaps chasing after trends. Fans and critics have argued and romanticized in love and hate, for some time now, over it's questionable yet alluring cinematic quality.

While no different, TBC_afp steps into Her Majesty's Sercret Service to pay homage, oftenly lampooning and maybe even lambast in this two parter podcast. So sit back and have a #martini #shakennotstirred on us.

What If?

Since the launch of Disney Plus there have been, in our opinion, some Marvel Studios streaming contect hits and misses from Loki to WandaVision to The Falcon and The Winter Soldier. Season One of the anthology What If has wrapped up. A Twilight Zonesque animated show exploring the MCU's infinite possiblilities (originally based on Marvel's comic book of the same name), leaves us with opportunity for passioned discussion. Success or flop?


Shang Chi and The Legends of the Ten Rings (Spoiler Discussion)

The Summer is over and TBC_afp is back after some hiatus, returning to the studio with full on piling mail and upcoming content. First on the list: Marvel Studios', maybe not maybe "experiment" and now certifiable blockbuster, Shang Chi and The Legend of the Ten Rings with an all-star Asian cast. It’s got spectacular martial arts, action, family-drama and (spoilers) Avengers but is it TBC_afp certified Thumbs Fresh or Bomb? In-person schooling is back with masks... We are without a mascot... So let's jump right in.


Richard Donner #RIP

The Godfather of modern Superhero/ comicbook movie genre, Richard Donner directed Superman The Movie in 1978 starring Christopher Reeve. The follow up sequel Superman II lead to a departure by the director due to creative differences resulting in a lesser treatment only for the director’s cut to be released in later years. He was Zack Snyder before there was Zack Synder and the embodiment blueprint to what Kevin Feige envisioned for the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Every comicbook movie traces its DNA to Donner. Donner and his wife were were also producers on Bryan Singer’s X-Men and directed other little known movies such as The Omen, The Goonies and launched a small film franchise called Lethal Weapon. Donner’s impact on Hollywood filmmaking shall remain undeniable. #RIP

Black Widow (Spoiler Review) & Loki Finale

After a decade, years in the making and months of delayed release dates due to the Pandemic, The Avenging First Lady of the MCU, Black Widow finally gets her solo film. The crew of TBC_afp give their take on whether Scarlett Johanssen and company delivery a hit or miss. Also, in this episode, Disney Plus' Loki finale. #powertotheproletariat

Say My Name! aka Loki Season 1

For about a decade, Tom Hiddleston has breathed not only life but also a anglo sexy wretchedness into the MCU's first Phase One Arch Villain, Loki, Asgardian God of Mischief. With that Hiddleston single-handedly popularized this Thor nemesis so much to the affect that Disney+ has gloriously (and purposely) released a mini-series chronicling further adventures. TBC_apf delivers a mid series low down but also in this episode, a bit of entertainment news, etc.

#owenwilson #MobiusMMobius #wow

Wrestlemaniacs, Superheroes & Godzilla with Special Guest (Author) Brian Solomon

TBC_afp sits down with author and former WWE staff writer (as well as old HS buddy) Brian Solomon in discussion on his career journey as an author and pop culture aficionado who penned books such as “Pro Wrestling FAQ”, “Godzilla FAQ” and “WWE Legends”. #letsrumble